Bilastine as a modern antihistamine for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria





Antihistamines have long been an integral part of the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria. Treatment of these diseases is usually long-term, so the drugs of choice are H1-antihistamines of the second generation, which have high efficiency and a good safety profile in the absence of clinically significant side effects. The variety of drugs in this group makes it possible to personalize the therapy, using the drug taking into account the individual sensitivity of the patient. One of the antihistamines used in practical allergy at the present time is bilastine. The article presents the data of clinical studies devoted to the research of the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of Hj-antihistamine of the second generation - bilastine. Short-term and long-term use of bilastine in patients with rhinitis (rhinoconjunctivitis) and chronic urticaria has demonstrated it’s good effectiveness and safety, which are due to the pharmacological properties of the medicine and the peculiarities of its metabolism. A number of sources provide data on the high safety profile of bilastine not only in the standard therapeutic dosage, but also with its four-fold increase. The results of these studies are of particular importance, since the clinical recommendations for the management of urticaria in various countries, including Russia, provide for the possibility of increasing the dose of H1 -antihistamines in case of insufficient effectiveness of therapy. Studies have also shown that bilastine has no clinically pronounced side effects that could significantly limit the use of the medicine, including in patients with concomitant diseases, or negatively affect patient’s compliance. According to the results of clinical studies, bilastine is characterized as an effective, safe, well-tolerated medicine for long-term therapy of allergic rhinitis and urticaria.


Igor Gushchin

NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia

профессор, член-корреспондент РАН, зав. отделом клинической иммунологии и аллергологии

Ekaterina Medunitsyn

NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia

к.м.н., с.н.с. отделения иммунопатологии


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