IgE-response to H. pylori in children with gastroduodenal diseases and allergy



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Background. To evaluate the impact of atopic reactivity in humoral immune response to H. pylori in children with gastroduodenal diseases.
Materials and methods. In 69 children with gastroduodenal diseases and in 14 healthy people we revealed the total IgE level, IgM-, IgG-, IgA- and IgE-antibodies to H. pylori in serum samples, slgA in saliva and IgE- antibodies to H. pylori in supernatant samples of faeces with ELISA method.
Results. Chronic gastritis/gastroduodenitis in children with allergy are associated with a lower frequency of detection of IgG-and IgA- antibodies to H. pylori as well as with lower level of slgA and elevated levels of total IgE и IgE- antibodies to H. pylori in sera. Conversely, non-atopic patients showed high levels of slgA and high frequency of detection of IgA- antibodies to H. pylori. 60% of non-atopic children with gastroduodenal ulcers had elevated total IgE level, but IgE level to H. pylori was low as well as in healthy control group. IgE antibodies to H. pylori were detected in 95-100% of supernatant samples of faeces in all groups of patients with the highest level of IgE antibodies in children with gastroduodenal ulcers. It was revealed the direct correlation between the IgE antibodies to H. pylori level in serum and in supernatant samples of faeces in atopic children. Conclusion. The elevation of IgE antibodies to H. pylori is a result of constitutive Th2 immune response which reflects the mechanisms of mucosal immune defense independently from associated atopic diseases.


N Ilintseva

Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS

Email: vbger@mail.ru
Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS

S Mazurina

Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS

Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS

V Gervazieva

Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS

Mechnickov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, RAMS


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