Dynamics of clinical symptoms and immunity local parametres during allergen - specific immunotherapy in patents with pollinosis and combined forms of sensibilization



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Background. To evaluate clinical and immunological efficiency of immunotherapy of pollinosis patients with
combined forms of sensitization with «Sevapharma» allergens, Czech Republic.
Materials and methods. 189 patients with pollinosis (age 18-55 years old) were examined during this study. Out
of these 189 patients three groups were chosen to be treated with pollen allergens made in Czech Republic and
domestic allergens from Russia. During the study slgA in saliva was examined and the efficiency of different
AS IT methods with combined forms of sensitization was tested.
Results. Patients with pollinosis had disruption in local immunity. slASIT increases slgA production in saliva.
Treatment with interfacing allergens is most effective in combined forms of sensitization.
Conclusion. The sensibilization to different kinds of pollen allergens was observed in 10- 15% of cases. Combined
forms of sensitization are much more common. Moreover, combined forms of sensitization to pollen and domestic
allergens predominate. Besides that, the study showed pollinosis patients have disruption of local immunity that
appeared in slgA deficit in oral cavity. Sublingual immunotherapy is the most effective method of treatment. In
case of combined forms of sensitization treatment with interfacing allergens is the most efficient.


E Bezrukova

Regional clinical Hospital of Penza, Penza Institute of Post graduate education

Email: giuv@sura.ru
Regional clinical Hospital of Penza, Penza Institute of Post graduate education

B Molotilov

Regional clinical Hospital of Penza, Penza Institute of Post graduate education

Regional clinical Hospital of Penza, Penza Institute of Post graduate education


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