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Background. Determination of local epithelial cells expressing TLR2 as an indicator of local immunity in allergic rhinitis (AR) patients with opportunistic species of staphylococci nasal mucosa colonization. Methods. Washed epithelium samples obtained from patients with seasonal AR (n=8) aged 19—42 years, and perennial AR (n=15) aged 19 —45 years, as well as a control group (20 patients) aged 19—45 years without allergic diseases were investigated. Epithelial cells expressing TLR2 receptors were determined by flow cytometry. Results. The level of epithelial cells expressing TLR2 receptor in patients with seasonal AR was almost in 1,9 times, in perennial AR group — in 1,7 times lower then in healthy individuals. In patients with perennial AR S. aureus was obtained in 96,0% (CI: 79,5—99,2), in association with Str. pyogenes in 29% (CI: 14,9—49,2), Neisseria spp. — in 63,0% (CI: 42,7—78,8). Seasonal allergic rhinitis was characterized by association of S. aureus and S. hemolyticus (70,0%, 44,4—85,8). Conclusion. Ratio of epithelial cells positive for TLR2 in nasal lavage from patients with AR was lower than in healthy volunteers. Indicators proportion of epithelial cells expressing TLR2 in nasal lavage in patients with seasonal AR during an exacerbation period was significantly reduced (1,7—1,9 times), in comparison with healthy volunteers. In AR patients with increased density of staphylococci strains in nasal mucosa increased local epithelial cells expressing TLR2 in nasal lavage was established.


Yu Tyurin

Kazan Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology; Kazan State medical University

Email: immunolab@yandex.ru

A Sharifullina

Kazan Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology


I Mustafin

Kazan State medical University


R Fassakhov

Kazan State Medical Academy



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