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Background. To investigate the drug’s hypersensitivity reactions occuring during perioperative period in central clinical hospital of the russian academy of sciences during 2010-2012 years. The article proposes the introduction of the special questionnaire for perioperative anaphylactic risk assessment. Materials and methods. We compiled a questionnaire for perioperative drug hypersensitivity risk assessment. The questionnaire built up by recording the individual scores related to the most relevant anaphylaxis parameters (i. e. medical history, symptoms and medication for asthma, rhinitis and urticaria etc.) and by adding them on all together; consists of 2 parts: questions in part 1 correspond to the doctor, questions in part 2 - to the patient. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the risk of drug’s hypersensitivity reactions was estimated as low, me- dium, high or very high. We performed retrospective questionnaire survey using special questionnaire of 3240 allergic patients [2398 (74%) women, 842 (26%) man - aged between 18-85 years old (50,3±0,3)] in preoperative period in central clinical hospital of the russian academy of sciences during 2010-2012. The control group consisted of 20 healthy respondents, those with no medical education. all reviewed patients had anesthesia and surgical interventions, 23 of them (13 women, 10 men aged between 22-84 years old) showed drug’s hypersen- sitivity reactions during early postoperative period. Results. all respondents noted clarity and concreteness of the items of the questionnaire. reproducible answers amounted to 95%. We detected the increase of the resulting frequency of the perioperative drug hypersensiti- vity in patients with increasing number of scores. The questionnaire was able to distinguish patients with risk of perioperative drug hypersensitivity reactions (known-group validity). identified significant differences in rates of patients with allergic diseases and practically healthy persons (p< 0,001). Conclusion. The questionnaire is a reliable, valid, and sensitive tool for screening patients at risk of perioperative drug’s hypersensitivity reactions. The questionnaire could be used in the perioperative period to evaluate the anaphylactic risk and to prescribe risk-oriented premedication protocols.



Central clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of sciences

Moscow, Russia


Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia


Central clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of sciences

Moscow, Russia


Central clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of sciences

Moscow, Russia


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