A case of atopic dermatitis with a severe resistant course in adult patient with atopic march

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Introduction. The atopic march is the natural course of development of atopy symptoms. It is characterized by a typical sequence of development of clinical symptoms of atopic disease, when some symptoms become more significant, others are recede. Timely allergological diagnostics with the identification of causal allergens allows to preventor suspend the atopic march.

Purpose of the study was to demonstrate the stages of the atopic march formation and clinical manifestations of atopy, the importance of on timely detection of causal allergens, the capability of modern diagnostics and treatment of severe resistant forms of allergic diseases.


About the authors

Galiya M. Tusupbekova

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Author for correspondence.
Email: Galiya.tgm@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6371-9176

Head of the Allergy service and the Center of Allergy

Kazakhstan, 5/2, Uly Dala st., flat 396, Nur-Sultan, 010000

Aigul A. Syzdykova

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Email: aigul18_04@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3300-684X


Kazakhstan, 5/2, Uly Dala st., flat 396, Nur-Sultan, 010000

Botagoz M. Davletova

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Email: botashadavletova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4505-9319


Russian Federation, 5/2, Uly Dala st., flat 396, Nur-Sultan, 010000


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