Antimicrobial peptides is antimicrobial protection factors in atopic dermatitis and pyodermiapatients

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It is well known that atopic dermatitis patientsґ skin is highly contaminated with S. aureus. On the one hand
S. aureus can cause pyodermia, and on the other hand it is a classical allergen and can initiate IgE production.
Also patientsґ skin is contaminated with some other bacteria, fungi and viruses. This predisposition to a skin
infection arises, at least, partly, because of a defect in protection against the microbes, named innate immunity.
One component of innate immune system are antimicrobial peptides: defensins and cathelicidin LL- 37. Human
defensins are peptides with cysteine structure, they are found out in circularly neutrophiles. Defensins are effective
against a wide spectrum of microorganisms, including gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, fungi and some
viruses. Except their direct antimicrobial function, defensins have multiple roles as mediators of inflammation,
have chemotactic, immunomodulating and cytotoxic activity and others as well. It is proved that the b-defensins
and cathelicidin LL- 37 level is decreased in atopic dermatitis patients and can predispose to microorganisms
colonization on a skin of this patients. The level of antimicrobial peptides is increased in infected skin.

About the authors

E A Tsyvkina

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology

E S Fedenko

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology

B V Pinegin

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology


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