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This review is devoted to profilaxis of food allergy in infants. Brest feeding and or partially hydrolized milk formula considered to be mandatory used in infants with high risk of allergy.

About the authors

Vera Afanas'evna Revyakina

НИИ Институт питания РАМН, г. Москва

Email: <>
НИИ Институт питания РАМН, г. Москва

T E Lavrova

НИИ Институт питания РАМН, г. Москва

НИИ Институт питания РАМН, г. Москва

V A Revjakina

Nutrition Research Institute, RAMs, Moscow, Russia

Nutrition Research Institute, RAMs, Moscow, Russia

T Ye Lavrova

Nutrition Research Institute, RAMs, Moscow, Russia

Nutrition Research Institute, RAMs, Moscow, Russia


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