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Background. The work is devoted to the studying of the correspondence between the symptoms dynamics and the concentrations of the nitrogen oxide (NO) methabolites in the exhaled breath air condensate in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) during allergenospecific immunotherapy (ASIT) and accompanying treatment. Methods. The symptoms of BA were estimated using the Asthma Control Questionaire (ACQ). The inflammation biomarkers level (NO methabolites in the exhaled air condensate) was measured by the spectrofluorometric method of Griess.
Results. During ASIT and accompanying treatment (cetirizine or levocetirizine with basis BA therapy corresponding to the observed BA severity with allergens eliminated), the symptoms reduction (decrease in the total ACQ scores) was observed along with decrease of the total concentration of NO metabolites in blood. This was observed both for the steroid- naive patients and for the patients taking the inhaled corticosteroids (IC) treatment. Conclusion: In patients with mild BA, combination of ASIT and non-steroid accompanying therapy on the basis of cetirizine or levocetirizine results in the improvement of the BA control and reduction of the allergic inflammation in airways comaparable to the analogous processes in patients with moderate BA taking the analogous therapy but with IC included.

About the authors

T I Eliseeva

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия

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Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия

Yu S Kul'gina

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия

Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия

I I Balabolkin

Научный Центр здоровья детей РАМН (НЦЗД РАМН), г. Москва

Научный Центр здоровья детей РАМН (НЦЗД РАМН), г. Москва

T I Eliseeva

Nigny Novgorod State Medical Academy

Nigny Novgorod State Medical Academy

U S Kulgina

Nigny Novgorod State Medical Academy

Nigny Novgorod State Medical Academy

I I Balabolkin

Research Centre of Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Research Centre of Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


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