Atopic dermatitis: experimentalmodels for study of pathogenesis and development of new methods of treatment

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Atopic dermatitis (AD) is characterized by allergic skin inflammation. A hallmark of AD is dry itchy skin due, at
least in part, to defects in skin genes that are important for maintaining barrier function. The pathogenesis of AD
remains incompletely understood. A number of mouse models of AD have been developed. This review discusses
these models and emphasizes the role of mechanical skin injury and skin barrier dysfunction in eliciting allergic
skin inflammation. Also, we describe various approaches to the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the latest of which
is the introduction of siRN A. Development of drugs based on siRN A using functional peptides is a promising
area of research in allergology.

About the authors

N N Shershakova

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

A A Babakhin

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

O G Elisyutina

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

M R Khaitov

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

ФГБУ «ГН Ц Институт иммунологии» ФМБ А России

N N Shershakova

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology

A A Babakhin

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology

O G Elisyutina

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology

M R Khaitov

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Immunology


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