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Background. The purpose of our research was to study the influence of fungal microflora for perennial rhinitis in children to improve the treatment of this disease. Methods. 79 children aged from 7 to 18 years with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) with fungal colonization of the nasal mucosa were examined. Patients underwent clinical, allergy, culturing mycological examination of the mucous membranes of the nose, as well as determination of circulating Candida antigen in serum by ampero-metric enzyme immunoassay sensor. Results. Fungi Candida were dominated — in 75,9% of cases in the structure of mycotic colonization, while mold fungi Aspergillus were observed rarely (24,1%). Colonization of the nasal mucosa with fungi Candida in children with PAR makes disease severe and symptoms become more painful that manifest severe nasal congestion, abundant mucus. PAR patients with nasal colonization of the fungi genus Candida in 58,3% of cases in the circulating blood serum had Candida antigen, that indicating the development of invasive Candida infections. That's why therapy of this disease must be improved. Inclusion of antimicrobial agents to the treatment with further traditional therapy of PAR leads to an overall therapeutic effect in 77,1% of cases. Conclusion. In patients with PAR fungal microflora aggravates the disease and the treatment needs to be improved with the inclusion of antibiotics, which lead to high clinical improvement.

About the authors

T G Malanicheva

Kazan State Medical University; Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named for G.N. Speranski, Moscow


L F Akhmadieva

Kazan State Medical University; Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named for G.N. Speranski, Moscow

S N Denisova

Kazan State Medical University; Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named for G.N. Speranski, Moscow


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