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The prevalence of herpes simplex virus in different age groups, the high frequency of relapsing forms of infection, torpid course, postherpetic complications are relevant medical and social problems. Often, practitioners create significant difficulties in establishing the diagnosis, choice of strategy in patients with herpes simplex. The paper presents the methods of diagnosis of herpes simplex and their application in atopic dermatitis patients, issues of acyclic nucleoside therapy (acyclovir, famciclovir) in different clinical forms of herpes simplex with individual approach to the selection of an antiviral drug and patterns of use.

About the authors

I N Zuikova

Institute of Immunology

Email: zuikova_i@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia

A E Shulzhenko

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

E S Fedenko

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia

O G Elisutina

Institute of Immunology

Moscow, Russia


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