Actual approach towards antihistamine medication choice in clinical practice. Itching dermatoses in focus

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Modern antihistamines are a widely prescribed and demanded class of medicines. The first line of choice drugs in the treatment of itchy dermatoses are active metabolites. Considering the fact of this medication group high effectiveness and safety, it is rather hard to make a correct choice. Key positions in clinical practice taken by cetirizine and levocetirizine. Preference in choosing between cetirizine or levocetirizine is determined bythe indications given in the instructions for use, the spectrum of the comorbid respiratoryallergopathology (allergic rhino conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma), the patient’s age, the results of observational studies (the possibility of preventing severe allergieswith long-term use of cetirizine). It is possible to replace one drug with another, taking into account the rational pharmacotherapy positionsin each case. The strong position taken by generics, equivalent to the original drugs Cetrine and Allerway.

About the authors

N S Tataurshchikova

RUDN University

профессор кафедры аллергологии и иммунологии ФПК МР, доктор медицинских наук.


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