Effective of antiviral therapy of HIV infection and intercurrent diseases in children





The study included 366 HIV-infected children (under-23) and 350 children with perinatal contact with HIV infection (R-75), consisting on the dispensary account in the Department of motherhood and childhood of the Saint Petersburg city AIDS center. The vast majority of children with perinatal HIV receive HAART (95.0%) with high efficacy (undetectable viral load, normalization of CD4 lymphocytes, the absence of clinical manifestations). In the structure of opportunistic viral infections (herpes, respiratory infections) 40.0%, bacterial (bronchitis, tonsillitis, pyoderma, pulmonary tuberculosis) - 28.6%, fungal infections (candidiasis mucous membranes of the oral cavity) and Pneumocystis pneumonia - 31.4%. Complex therapy (etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic) acute respiratory viral infections in children with B-23 and R-75, allows us to achieve in the early stages (6 days treatment) of the regression of the main symptoms of acute respiratory diseases.


Vladimir Timchenko

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: timchenko220853@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Infectious Diseases in Children in the name of M. G. Danilevich 俄罗斯联邦

Elena Yastrebova

I.P. Pavlov First St Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: elena_yastrebova@inbox.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Associate Professor. 俄罗斯联邦

Oksana Bulina

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: detinfection@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Associate Professor. 俄罗斯联邦


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版权所有 © Timchenko V.N., Yastrebova E.B., Bulina O.V., 2017

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