Assessment of quality of life of adolescents with endocrine diseases



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Appreciation of life′s quality supplements complex medical investigation and make it possible to value child′s state of health and develop rational approach for therapy and rehabilitation. The life quality of 127 patients with obesity and 67 patients with diabetes of the 1st type were investigated. 120 teenagers of the same age and sex who were practically healthy compile the group of control. Questionnaire in life′s quality for children from 13 to 18 years old was used Ped′s QL 4.0 Pediatric Quality of life Questionnaire. It was established that teenagers with diabetes have all the indicators of life′s quality more lower than their contemporaries, specially in physical and social functioning. Children with diabetes of the 1st type, who are on insulin pump therapy have the life′s quality more higher than children receives insulin with the help of autoinjector. The indicators of life′s quality is registered at children who are ill the first year or more than five years. During the investigation of teenagers life′s quality with obesity was get registered that total indices of their life′s quality are significantly lower than at their mates from control group. More significant differences are discovered by indicator panel “Social functioning”. The indices of physical functioning of teenagers with obesity are significantly lower than at healthy mates. Girls comparatively with boys appreciate practically all indicators of life′s quality lower besides school if we compare indicators of life′s quality of teenagers with obesity and diabetes of the 1st type their general indicator is higher than at teenagers with excess weight.


Ruslana Akhmedova

Perm State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Additional Professional Education. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Perm State Medical University named after academician E. A. Wagner's” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Ludmila Sofronova

Perm State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Additional Professional Education. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Perm State Medical University named after academician E. A. Wagner's” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Ksenia Vladimirova

Perm State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

Postgraduate Student, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Additional Professional Education. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Perm State Medical University named after academician E. A. Wagner's” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


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版权所有 © Akhmedova R.M., Sofronova L.V., Vladimirova K.N., 2016

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