Features of the initial vegetative tone and vegetative reactivity in vegetative-vascular dysfunction of the hypotensive type in childhood

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VVD hypotensive type significantly reduces the quality of life, prevents normal growth and differentiation of organs and tissues of the child’s body, promotes the formation of a number of life-threatening pathological processes in adulthood. In order to determine the initial vegetative tonus in 63 children aged 11-14 years suffering from hypotensive type VVD, the averaged values of cardiointervalograms consisting of 100 consecutive cardiocycles were determined. Vegetative reactivity has been studied through the conduct and evaluation of a clinoortostatic test, consisting in the sequential recording of blood pressure and cardiograms first in a horizontal and then in an upright position. As a control group, 27 practically healthy peers were examined, who underwent a similar complex of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out by parametric and nonparametric methods with the help of STATISTICA and Microsoft Excel for Windows packages on the IBM “Pentium 166” computer. As a result of the study, a significant difference in vegetative tone was found in children with hypotensive VVD from normal. In this case, vegetative status is characterized either by the initial high level of functioning of sympathoadrenal regulatory mechanisms with insufficient increase in their adaptive activity or by the predominance of the initial cholinergic vegetative tension and the corresponding hypersympathicotonic reactivity, which is the marker of the greatest threat of transformation in this group of children of the hypersensitive type to the hypertensive and then into hypertensive disease.

About the authors

Vladimir N. Buryak

Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: vladimir.buryak@inbox.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci Professor, Department of Hospital Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Natalia S. Zhuravleva

Ural State Medical University

Email: jurnas178@yandex.ru

MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Hospital Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Oksana S. Pokusaeva

Ural State Medical University

Email: pokusaeva93@list.ru

Intern. Department of Hospital Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg


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Copyright (c) 2018 Buryak V.N., Zhuravleva N.S., Pokusaeva O.S.

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