Amblyopia and associated problems

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Both earlier and now amblyopia associated with strabismus, remains a significant problem in pediatric ophthalmology, as evidenced by the large number of works, dedicated to this question, and not very high efficiency of treatment of patients with this disease. In our view, the current definition of amblyopia is very vague, as not clearly indicate its origin and distinctive clinical features. Different views on the essence of amblyopia has caused the emergence of several different classifications. So, E.S. Avetisov (1968), for example, proposes to assess the severity of amblyopia according to the reduction of central vision, and E.E. Somov (1997) – saving the character of his vision. And it is, as you know, is an integral indicator of the functional status of the visual analyzer. This is a really important point, because, as a rule, an essential companion of amblyopia of any origin are violations detected in binocular vision. Thus, good results of held pleoptic, that physicians usually evaluate the treatment outcomes of children with strabismus, should not be considered as final. We evaluated the functional status of the organ of vision of 91 children with amblyopia, associated with strabismus. In addition to the standard for such cases methods, we also used others – new or in our modification: the determine the of the nature of vision with Bagolini glasses, indication of the nature of visual fixation, of critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFF), evaluation the nature of visual fixation, optic coherence tomography (OCT) of the macular zone of the retina. Identified in the visual status of examined children of this age specialties allowed to develop for those who have a central visual fixation, adequate therapeutic algorithms, presented below.

About the authors

Nadezhda E. Kononova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Student, Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Clinical Pharmacology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Evgenij E. Somov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci Professor, Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Clinical Pharmacology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. OCT eye results in patients with different types of visual fixation: a – Child A., 6 years, with prafoveal horizontal-nasal visual fixation of the right eye. The deformation of the macular profile of its retina due to a defect in the nerve fiber layer is noted. Left eye is without pathology; b – Child B., 6 years, with non-сentral “intermittent” visual fixation of the left eye. Smoothness foveolar deepening and expansion of foveola is fixed. Right eye is without pathology

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3. Fig. 2. Algorithm 1. The focus of therapy in children with monolateral strabismus with central visual fixation*

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4. Fig. 3. Algorithm 2. The focus of therapy in children with alternating accommodative strabismus.

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5. Fig. 4. Algorithm 3. The focus of therapy in children with partial accommodative and nonaccomodation alternating strabismus*.

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6. Fig. 5. Version of the test from the program “Flower”. The child should find the image of the central object on one of the petals "flower". The device records the accuracy and lead time of the task

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7. Fig. 6. Version of the test from the “Klinok”. In terms of anaglyph haploscope child needs to merge two images into one image. The device records the accuracy of the task

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