Women’s quality of life dynamics in postpartum period

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The article presents the results of the study of characteristics and dynamics of the women’s quality of life in the third trimester of pregnancy and six weeks after delivery. The study involved 240 women, patients of the Perinatal Center of Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, during the third trimester of pregnancy and six weeks after the delivery. Research subjects were divided into three study groups, depending on the presence and severity of negative emotional manifestations in women in the third trimester of pregnancy. It was revealed that the indicators of physical, mental and social functioning in women, who underwent negative emotional manifestations of different severity in the third trimester of pregnancy, are below the average population data. It is shown that the intensity of negative emotional manifestations in women in the third trimester of pregnancy does not affect the subjective assessment of the overall health and life status. The appearance of negative emotional manifestations of different severity in women in the third trimester of pregnancy significantly reduces the subjective assessment of pregnant women’s own physical functioning in the context of daily and professional activities. It was revealed that for women underwent mild negative emotional manifestations in the third trimester of pregnancy, the situation of labor is the most stressful and has a significant impact on the quality of life in the late postpartum period. This category of women is at risk and needs more thorough medical support and professional psychological assistance.

About the authors

Maria A. Korgozha

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: korgozha_m.a@mail.ru

Postgraduate Student, Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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