Cerebral damage pathogeny peculiarities in local and globalcerebral perfusion impairment models in rats

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A complex study of clinical and laboratory pathogenic features of cerebrovascular disease has been performed in rats using two experimental models: local ischemia with cerebral infarction and global ischemia caused by acute or chronic impairment of cerebral circulation without verified site of brain damage. A pronounced difference has been demonstrated between the two studied models of cerebral impairment. The development of brain damage site constituting 20-30% of the total cortex of the impaired hemisphere was demonstrated to be accompanied by a considerable increase of basic nervous tissue damage markers (neuron-specific enolase, S100β-protein), development of endothelial dysfunction and hemostasiological disturbances. Irreparable cerebral circulation impairment by ligation of carotid arteries was followed by considerably lower lethality in the experimental animals, neurospecific markers’ moderate dynamics but however side by side with pronounced and inadequately compensated manifestations in the hemostasis system and vascular endothelium caused by brain hypoxia.

About the authors

Maria A. Zelenenko

I.M. Sechenov institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry, Russian academy of sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: magu56110@gmail.com

MD, researcher, Experimental Pharmacology Dept

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Valeria A. Pechatnikova

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov

Email: floluttrell@gmail.com

researcher Radiopharmpreparations Test Center

Russian Federation, Gatchina

Vassiliy A. Zaplutanov

I.M. Sechenov institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry, Russian academy of sciences

Email: vasiliy@zaplutanov.ru

MD, researcher, Experimental Pharmacology Deptartment

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nikolay V. Tsygan

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov

Email: 77tn77@gmail.com

MD, PhD, Dr.Med. Sci., Assoc. Prof. Neurology Deptartment

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nikolay A. Verlov

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov

Email: virlov@gmail.com

PhD, Senior researcher Radiopharmpreparations Test Center

Russian Federation, Gatchina

Michael G. Khotin

Institute of Cytology, Russian academy of sciences

Email: h_mg@mail.ru

PhD, Heaqd, Lab. Of Biomedical Technologies and Tests

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Andrei G. Vasiliev

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: avas7@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Dr. Med. Sci., Head of Pathophysiology Deptartment

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexander P. Trashkov

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov

Email: alexandr.trashkov@gmail.com

MD, PhD, Head Radiopharmpreparations Test Center

Russian Federation, Gatchina


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Copyright (c) 2017 Zelenenko M.A., Pechatnikova V.A., Zaplutanov V.A., Tsygan N.V., Verlov N.A., Khotin M.G., Vasiliev A.G., Trashkov A.P.

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