Children of the Arctic: dynamics of medico-demographic indicators

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Maintaining and improving the health of the population, especially children and teenagers, is one of the most important state task, the solution of which allows to ensure the availability of human resources, the country's defense and reproduction of the healthy population. Currently in the Russian Federation, there are negative trends in the health status of children in all age categories: the growing incidence, prevalence of chronic diseases, the presence of morphological abnormalities, high prevalence of risk factors among children, a decrease of quality indicators of children's health. There is a significant change in the pattern of morbidity in childhood, reflected in the increase in the number of chronic and combined forms of disease, the increase in the frequency of intrapartum damage and hereditary pathology, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of children with disabilities. The issues of improving medical care in remote and inaccessible localities are actively discussed on all platforms and meetings of the circumpolar countries of the Union. It is clear that much of the health of the population in the Arctic is determined by the welfare of the country. However, some progress in this direction in recent years and our country. In this regard, it is highly important to assess the dynamics of medico-demographic indicators in the Arctic regions during the implementation of major Russian programs in the field of protection of motherhood and childhood in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

About the authors

Vasily I. Orel

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.

MD., PhD, Dr Med Sci Professor, Head. Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Michael E. Okhlopkov

Ministry Of Healthcare of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


MD, PhD, Minister of Healthcare of Sakha (Yakutia)

Russian Federation, Yakutsk

Antonina N. Grigor'eva

Ministry Of Healthcare of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Deputy Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Russian Federation, Yakutsk

Tatiana E. Burtseva

Yakut Scientific Center of Complex Medical Problems


MD, Deputy Director

Russian Federation, Yakutsk

Vyacheslav G. Chasnyk

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Hospital Pediatrics

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vasiliy M. Sereda

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Andrey V. Kim

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Natalya A. Gureva

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Lyubov L. Sharafutdinova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Zinaida A. Roslova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Assistant Professor. Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vyacheslav V. Orel

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Assistant Professor. Department of rehabilitation AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Tatiana I. Buldakova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Elena B. Libova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexey S. Rukavishnikov

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Olga M. Nosireva

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexandr M. Kakanov

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Аssistant Professor, Department of Social Pediatrics and Public Health Organization and AF and DPO

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2017 Orel V.I., Okhlopkov M.E., Grigor'eva A.N., Burtseva T.E., Chasnyk V.G., Sereda V.M., Kim A.V., Gureva N.A., Sharafutdinova L.L., Roslova Z.A., Orel V.V., Buldakova T.I., Libova E.B., Rukavishnikov A.S., Nosireva O.M., Kakanov A.M.

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