Сerebral oxymetry in neonatology

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The frequency of disturbance the functional development of newborn brain after intrauterine and birth asphyxia determines the necessity the finding objective methods of timely diagnosis the alteration of brain oxygenation for the target therapy. During last years the special attention of investigators was attracted to use for this purpose in newborns the noninvasive, informative and portable method near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Cerebral oxymetry successfully used for estimation brain circulation of the blood and blood volume in the brain vessels with combination constant monitoring blood pressure. This review outlines the basic principles, advantages NIRS technology in clinical studies brain oxygenation in healthy full term and premature newborns and also after asphyxia, vacuum extraction and cesarean section. Monitoring brain oxygenation in newborns which received cooling after heavy asphyxia permits during first 10 hours after birth to prognosis unfavorable outcome or fix the further strategy of treatment cerebral ischemia. Presented clinical use this method for treatment premature newborns with respiratory distress and circulatory insufficiency. It may help to determine the optimal target oxygen saturation. It is alsow useful monitoring during intensive therapy of extremely preterm neonates, due to the risk of impaired cerebral blood flow auto regulation in these patients. Indicated the perspectives of cerebral oxymetry in neonato logy for new diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic perinatal CNS damage.

About the authors

Inna I. Evsyukova

FSBSI “The Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Ott”

Author for correspondence.
Email: eevs@yandex.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology and Pathology of Newborns

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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