Features of delivery in patients with perinatal fetal death

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The article presents the features of the course of the birth act in patients with perinatal fetal death, in comparison with the control group of women who gave birth to children who survived 7 days of life. The comparison of the anthropometric data on the parturient (weight at the time of delivery, the results of pelviometry), the incidence of various anomalies of the bone pelvis in women, the sex of the newborn, the timing of delivery, the presentation of the fetus, the duration of the anhydrous interval, the first, second and third periods of labor, Epidural anesthesia, perineotomy and episiotomy, the imposition of obstetric forceps, the imposition of a vacuum extractor, the provision of a medical sleep, labors induction, labors stimulation, amniotomy, manual examination of the uterus cavity, blood transfusion) and surgical delivery by cesarean section. A number of significant differences in the main group and the comparison group that can be regarded as predictors of perinatal fetal death are revealed. For example, women with various abnormalities of the pelvis, in particular the uniformly deformed and transversely pelvic pelvis, children born from premature pregnancy, in the pelvic presentation, with a reduction in the duration of the first period of labor, an increase in the duration of the second and third periods of labor, are at risk for perinatal fetal death, Performance of amniotomy, manual examination of the uterine cavity, blood transfusion at the puerpera. At the same time, the frequency of most obstetric manipulations in both groups does not differ significantly.

About the authors

Lidiya A. Ivanova

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: lida.ivanova@gmail.com

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Elena V. Titkova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: lida.ivanova@gmail.com

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2017 Ivanova L.A., Titkova E.V.

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