Results of routine medical examinations of the children’s population of the russian federation in 2014

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The relevance of this research was determined by the need for enhancement and increase in the efficiency of routine medical examinations of minors in the Russian Federation. The information and statistical materials of medical examination of the children’s population in 2014 in terms of the health of various age groups in a section of federal districts and subjects were studied. The following indicators were studied: coverage of the children’s population by routine medical examination; level and structure of the revealed general and primary morbidity; frequency of dispensary registration; need for additional consultations; and researches and treatment in an outpatient clinic, a day hospital, a hospital with round-the-clock services, and sanatorium organizations as well as coverage by these medical services. A high level of coverage of minors by routine medical examinations was registered. More than one-third of the healthy children’s population passed the medical examination. The revealed general and primary morbidity of the children’s population in more than one-third of subjects is above mean Russian levels. Diseases of the respiratory organs, bone, and muscular and nervous systems are the most common among children, whereas diseases of the bone and muscular system, eyes, and respiratory organs are common among teenagers. Despite the high prevalence of chronic diseases among the children’s population, recommendations for treatment and rehabilitation were given insufficiently during routine medical examinations. Regional characteristics of the medical examination results, which allowed for the identification of the most disadvantaged areas and defects in its organization and the lack of continuity between medical institutions providing this type of service, have been established.

About the authors

Alexander A. Baranov

Scientific Center of Children`s Health

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Director, Member by Correspondence of Russian Academy of Sciences, administration

Russian Federation

Leila S. Namazova-Baranova

Scientific Center of Children`s Health


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics

Russian Federation

Rimma N. Terletskaya

Scientific Center of Children`s Health


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Project Leader of laboratory of Social Pediatrics

Russian Federation

Elena V. Antonova

Scientific Center of Children`s Health


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head, Dept. of Forecasting and Planning of Scientific Research

Russian Federation

Natalya V. Ustinova

Scientific Center of Children`s Health


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head, Laboratory of Social Pediatrics Federal state autonomous institution

Russian Federation

Elena N. Baibarina

Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor. Director of The Department of Medical Care to Children and Maternity Obstetric Services

Russian Federation

Olga V. Chumakova

Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor. Deputy Director of The Department of Medical Care to Children and Maternity Obstetric Services

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Baranov A.A., Namazova-Baranova L.S., Terletskaya R.N., Antonova E.V., Ustinova N.V., Baibarina E.N., Chumakova O.V.

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