Clinical characteristics of newborn with different birth weight (results of a multicenter cohort study)

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This article is dedicated to analysis of clinical characteristics of children with different birth weight included in the multicenter cohort study of newborns. The study analyzed data 572 children who were stratified according to birth weight (normal, low, very low and extremely low body weight). As part of the protocol incorporating the patient’s visit was provided at the time of birth (visit 0), a retrospective collection of anamnestic data about the mother (Visit -1) and visit prospective study of children aged 12 months (Visit 1). As a result of the analysis, it was found that the increase in frequency of operative delivery, and reduction of Apgar score and the presence of the studied pathological conditions, to the greatest extent, common in children who had birth weight of less than 1500 in this case. The probability of a combination of 3 or more conditions (described in this paper), in the case of a child with an extremely low birth weight was higher in the 44-fold (OR = 44.52; CI95% 15,5-127,5), while when the newborn had very low birth weight - a chance of development was significantly higher only in the 7-fold (OR = 7.12; CI95% 2,4-20,9) compared with children who had a low birth weight. In this regard, there is a need not only to the use of modern technologies nursing of low birth weight infants, but also provide preventive care in a group of women with a high degree of perinatal risk and risk of preterm delivery, allowing prolong pregnancy up to 32 weeks and/or weight of the fruit body of more than 1000 g, which can improve the survival rates of patients and the prevention of premature severe disabling conditions in the future.

About the authors

Ivan A Deev

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Faculty Pediatrics Russian Federation

Kristina V Kulikova

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Assistant Professor Russian Federation

Olga S Kobyakova

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of General Medical Practice Russian Federation

Evgeny S Kulikov

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Associate Professor, Department of General Medical Practice Russian Federation

Aleksandr V Holopov

Tomsk Region Health Department

MD, PhD, Head of Department Russian Federation

Igor A Stepanov

Regional Perinatal Center

MD, PhD, Deputy of Chief of Perinatal Centre Russian Federation

Irina N Antonova

Perm Regional Clinical Hospital

Pediatrician, Department of Follow-up and Rehabilitation Treatment of Young Children Russian Federation

Elena G Bybchenko

Regional Perinatal Center

MD, PhD, Neonatologist, Department of Neonatal Pathology Russian Federation

Kirill E Holtzman

St Nicholas Children’s Municipal Hospital No 17

Neurologist, 2nd Department Russian Federation

Elena N Dorovskaja

Trans-Baikal Regional Perinatal Center

Deputy of Chief for Pediatric Care Russian Federation

Ekaterina N Kozhevnikova

Regional Perinatal Center

Pediatrician, Department of Follow-up of Clinical-Diagnostic Department Russian Federation

Ludmila V Ledyakina

Mordovia Republican Clinical Perinatal Center

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Deputy of Chief for Pediatric Care Russian Federation

Natalia A Makarova

Trans-Baikal Regional Perinatal Center

Head, Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Russian Federation

Maria A Permyakova

Perm Regional Clinical Hospital

Pediatrician, Department of Follow-up and Rehabilitation Treatment of Young Children Russian Federation

Nadezhda G Popova

Trans-Baikal Regional Perinatal Center

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics FPC PPP Russian Federation

Anna A Stradina

Mordovia Republican Clinical Perinatal Center

Neonatologist, Department of Neonatal and Premature Infants Russian Federation

Larisa A Fedorova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD Russian Federation

Anna A Fomenko

St Nicholas Children’s Municipal Hospital No 17

Neurologist, 2nd Department Russian Federation

Ekaterina S Kharitonova

St Nicholas Children’s Municipal Hospital No 17

Neurologist, 2nd Department Russian Federation

Ekaterina B Khodosevich

St Nicholas Children’s Municipal Hospital No 17

Neurologist, 2nd Department Russian Federation

Irina N Chugainova

Perm Regional Clinical Hospital

Head, Department of Follow-up and Rehabilitation Treatment of Young Children Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Deev I.A., Kulikova K.V., Kobyakova O.S., Kulikov E.S., Holopov A.V., Stepanov I.A., Antonova I.N., Bybchenko E.G., Holtzman K.E., Dorovskaja E.N., Kozhevnikova E.N., Ledyakina L.V., Makarova N.A., Permyakova M.A., Popova N.G., Stradina A.A., Fedorova L.A., Fomenko A.A., Kharitonova E.S., Khodosevich E.B., Chugainova I.N.

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