Spatio-Temporal EEG Markers for Recognition Auditory Images in Norm and Psychopathology

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The psychophysiological mechanisms of cognitive processes dysfunctions remain poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to modeling spatial-temporal parameters of coherent EEG assessment during auditory recognition in normal conditions and psychopathology. 40 healthy subjects and 72 patients with homogeneous psychopathological states depressive nature (average age of 34 ± 3.4 years) using the standard and original research methods were investigated. Individual-psychological characteristics and the severity of cognitive defect was evaluated according to the clinical interview, research verbal memory, the traditional methods of evaluating situational and personal anxiety, the differential diagnosis of depression. The study was conducted in St Petersburg “Psycho-Neurological Clinic No 1”. We have used the original method of studying the perception of auditory images, audiometry, computer electroencephalography with multidimensional mathematical treatment and psychological analysis of higher mental functions in patients with paranoid schizophrenia and control normal subjects. Analysis of coherence alpha- and beta-EEG rhythms in solving cognitive tasks for recognition of auditory images revealed that the functional interaction of the cortical areas normally significantly increased compared to background EEG. The features of the topography of functional relationships of alpha- and beta-EEG rhythms in the perception of auditory information are confirmed. Focuses interactions are recorded in the frontal areas. It marked the integration of these frontal zones with front associative cortex and temporal areas of the left hemisphere, as well as parietal and occipital areas of both hemispheres. At psychopathology reducing the number of coherent communications, violation of the formation of foci of coherence was registered.

About the authors

Ksenia A Belskaya

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor. Department of Human Physiology Russian Federation

Yuliya V Surovitskaya

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Assistant Professor. Department of Human Physiology Russian Federation

Sergey A Lytaev

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Department of Human Physiology Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Belskaya K.A., Surovitskaya Y.V., Lytaev S.A.

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