Clinical manifestations of neurosyphilis in women of reproductive age

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The research objective is investigation of clinical manifestations of neurosyphilis in women of reproductive age. The diagnoses were based on complaints, anamnestic information, neurological examinations, dermatovenerology consultations, serological blood and liquor tests. All the patients underwent psychometric tests. The following methods were used: mini-mental state examination (MMSE), “Frontal Assessment Battery”, Clinical Dementia Rating scale, Clock drawing test, “Information-Memory-Consideration Concentration” test, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale. Nine patients with early neurosyphilis (between the ages of 18 to 40) and eight patients with late neurosyphilis (between the ages of 28 to 43) were surveyed. Syphilitic meningitis (six cases), meningovascular neurosyphilis (three cases) were found in patients with early neurosyphilis. As for the patients with late neurosyphilis, two of them were diagnosed to have syphilitic meningitis, two patients had meningovascular neurosyphilis, two had progressive paralysis, tabes dorsalis was identified in one patient, one had taboparalysis. Only three patients showed specific skin and mucic manifestations. The patients at all the stages of neurosyphilis demonstrated mild cognitive impairments. Moderate dementia was found in one patient with early meningovascular neurosyphilis and one patient with progressive paralysis. This article considers a clinical case of a female patient with early syphilitic meningitis who had a baby with congenital syphilis.

About the authors

Maria L Chuhlovina

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Nervous Diseases

Denis V Zaslavsky

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Dermatovenerology

Ekaterina A Bichun

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Postgraduate Student, Department of Nervous Diseases


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Copyright (c) 2016 Chuhlovina M.L., Zaslavsky D.V., Bichun E.A.

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