Influence of lipoic acid on the exchange of sialic acids in small intestine of rats with alloxan diabetes

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Despite comprehensive study of features of the reasons and a pathogeny of a diabetes mellitus, its timely diagnostics, prevention and treatment remain among the most current problems of medicine. The patients suffering from the diabetes mellitus a long time have various forms of pathology of a digestive tract forming a picture of a gastroenterological form of autonomous neuropathy. At a diabetic polyneuropathy widely use drugs of α-lipoic acid of acid which is the universal antioxidant functioning as a cofactor in the multifermental complexes catalyzing oxidizing decarboxylation of α-keto acids, and therefore playing an important role in the course of obtaining energy in aerobic conditions taking part in regeneration of other antioxidants. Sialic acids which belong to multifunctional connections, being components various the glycoproteins and glycolipids of connections are a part of mucins of a blanket of a wall of a small bowel. The composition of mucins of the protective layer of the wall of the small intestine includes sialic acids, which are multifunctional compounds that are components of glycoproteins and glycolipids. The purpose of this study was a comparative study of the effect of lipoic acid on the indicators of sialic acid metabolism of rat small intestine wall compounds in alloxan diabetes. An increase in the rate of sialic acid metabolism in the wall of the small intestine of rats with alloxan diabetes was found, which may indicate a restructuring of the metabolism of enterocytes to adapt to conditions of insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia. The introduction of lipoic acid to experimental animals did not reduce sialidase activity and the content of all fractions of sialic acids in the wall of the small intestine, although, according to the literature, it reduced the degree of development of oxidative stress in the body, including in the studied section of the gastrointestinal tract.

About the authors

Irina V. Volkhina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Evgenii G. Butolin

Izhevsk State Medical Academy


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry

Russian Federation, Izhevsk


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