The adaptive capacity of conscripts of urgent service with the deficit of body weight

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A common problem during the conscription of young people into military service is the deficit of body weight of conscripts, which is associated with specific emotional, personal, adaptive characteristics and features of efficiency. The purpose of research to identify and study the features of adaptive capacity and specificity of efficiency of military men with the deficit of body weight. Experimental psychological diagnosis of conscripts of urgent service with an average body mass index of 18.3 + 1.3 was carried out on the basis of the analysis of case histories, biographical forms, complex personal and psychophysiological methods. Results and conclusions: The conscripts with the deficit of body weight are characterized by: The lack of full-fledged family in the process of education, at a sufficiently high material well-being; Low adaptive capacity and behavioral regulation that characterizes a lack of mental stability; High level of personal anxiety, at a relatively low situational anxiety; Hypochondriacal, hypomanic and hysterical accentuation of character that characterizes high anxiety and suspiciousness in combination with the desire to compensate asthenic occurrences due to the demonstration of activity, intense mental and physical effort; Anxious and egocentric types of attitude to the disease, reflecting the specific experiences associated with his condition; High level of discipline, with avoidance of conflict situations characterizes in General the passive nature of the behavior; Optimal efficiency in a short period of time, then drop of the qualitative characteristics of the activity, as evidenced by the low rate of endurance and reliability of the efficiency.

About the authors

Nataliia V Kosina

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

PhD, Associate Professor. Department of Clinical Psychology. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Natalya G Sokolova

442 Military District Hospital named after Z.P. Solovieva

Teacher. Cabinet of Medical-Psychological Help of Psychiatric Center. 442 Military District Hospital named after Z.P. Solovieva.


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Copyright (c) 2016 Kosina N.V., Sokolova N.G.

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