Assessment of body length in infants born with different types of mild prenatal development delay

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Objective. To assess the length of the body in infants from mothers with a burdened somatic and obstetric-gynecological history, including with a delay in the growth of the fetus of various types of mild severity, in comparison with each other, with healthy children from practically healthy mothers and with children from mothers with an aggravated somatic and obstetric-gynecological history, but without delayed fetal growth.

Material and methods. 166 new-borns were monitored since birth, including 72 infants born after abnormal pregnancies with mild foetus growth and development retardation (gr. 1), and 69 infants born after abnormal pregnancies, but without any retardation (gr. 2), born by mothers with previous somatic and gynaecological disorders. The symmetrical intrauterine growth and development retardation was diagnosed in 15 infants (20.83%) (subgr. 1b), whereas the dissymmetric retardation was diagnosed in 57 children (79.17%) (subgr. 1a) from gr. 1. Practically healthy infants born by practically healthy mothers after normal pregnancies made up gr. 3 (25 subjects). Children are full-term, looked round in 1 (154), 3 (138), 6 (131), 12 (119 children) months. Comprehensive analysis of history, inspection, body height. Distribution-free statistical analysis methods.

Results. The differences (p < 0.01) in body length (Me, cm) in children at birth between the subgr. 1b (48) and gr. 2 (52); in 1 month between subgr. 1a (53) and 1b (52.5); in 3 months between subgr. 1a (60) and gr. 2 (62); in 6 months between subgr. 1a (66.5) and 1b (65.5); in 12 months between subgr. 1a (74.25) and 1b (73), subgr. 1a and gr. 2 (76), subgr. 1b and gr. 2. Increase of body length to 1 month in children subgr. 1a (4) and 1b (4.5) in comparison with children gr. 2 and 3 by 1 and 1.5 cm respectively more; to 3 months in children subgr. 1a (7) and gr. 2 (7) are comparable and more than children subgr. 1b. by 0.5 cm, gr. 3 by 1 and 0.5 cm respectively; to 6 months in children subgr. 1a (6.5) and 1b (6.5) more than the gr. 2 by 0.5 cm, less than the children gr. 3 by 0.5 cm; to 12 months in children subgr. 1a and 1b; gr. 1, 2 and 3 are comparable. To 12 months in children subgr. 1b in relation to children gr. 2 and 3 less by 0.5 cm.

Conclusion. The established difference in body-length should be taken into account during the dispensary observation in order to decide whether to carry out corrective measures.

About the authors

Dmitry O. Ivanov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Rector

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vitaly V. Derevtsov

Lukaʼs Clinical Research Center for Children


MD, PhD, Head of Clinical and Diagnostic Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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