Assessment of adaptation of infants born with different types mild intrauterine growth and development retardation

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Objective. To estimate adaptation of an organism of the babies born with different types of light severity of a delay of pre-natal growth and development.

Material and methods. 609 children are examined. Since the birth under observation 141 children, from them are born in the result of the complicated pregnancy and childbirth, including with asymmetric type of light severity of a growth inhibition and development of a fruit – 57 (Group 1a) and with symmetric – 15 (Group 1b) and without that – 69 (Group 2) from mothers with the burdened somatic and obstetric and gynecologic anamnesis. Children are full-term, mature, looked round in 1 (131), 3 (118), 6 (109), 12 (110 children) months. Outcome recording methods were a comprehensive case history analysis, physical examination, assessment of cardiointervalography and body adaptation to the environment. Distribution-free statistical analysis methods.

Results. At children in Groups 1a and 1b satisfactory adaptation of an organism to conditions of the environment took place at the birth of 28. 07 and 26. 67%, in 1 month of 32. 69 and 35. 71%, in 3 months of 31. 11 and 25%, in 6 months of 51. 16 and 46. 15%, in 12 months of 48. 78 and 36. 36%. Tension and an overstrain of adaptation is recorded at 22. 81 and 40%, 36. 54 and 28. 57%, 33. 33 and 41. 67%, 30. 23 and 23. 04%, 19. 51 and 18. 18%. Unsatisfactory adaptation is defined at 42. 11 and 13. 33%, 21. 15 and 21. 43%, 24. 44 and 16. 67%, 11. 63 and 23. 04%, 21. 95 and 18. 18%. Failure of adaptation is revealed at 7. 02 and 20%, 9. 62 and 14. 29%, 11. 11 and 16. 67%, 6. 98 and 7. 69%, 9. 76 and 9. 09% of children respectively.

Conclusion. Study of characteristics of body adaptation to the environment in the scientific community is a perspective area, and any practical application (starting with perinatal centres) of assessment of body adaptation to the environment with follow-up groups identification and further determination during critical periods of growth and development (outpatient monitoring) justify patient-specific approach to outpatient follow-up of infants born with different types of mild intrauterine growth and development retardation.

About the authors

Dmitry O. Ivanov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0060-4168

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Rector

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vitaly V. Derevtsov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8819-7033

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor. Department of Family Medicine of Faculty of Postgraduate and Additional Professional Education

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nadezhda P. Serova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Sixth-year Student

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Assessment of frequency of incidence of anemia, dermatitis, sharp respiratory infections at children: a – Group 1a, b – Group 1b, c – Group 2

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