Clinical case of non-immune hydrops in a preterm infant with paroxismal tachycardia

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Non-immune hydrops of the fetus is a heterogeneous pathology, which is usually the final stage in the development of intrauterine diseases, manifested by clinically pronounced hydration in the absence of signs of immune sensitization. This pathology is characterized by relatively high mortality in both antenatal and postnatal periods. The causes of non-immune hydrops of the fetus are very diverse, arrhythmias being one of common causes of non-immune hydrops. As are a starting factor for the development of non-immune hydrops in utero they are more often observed in the period from 29 to 32 weeks of gestational age. The reasons for a fetus to be prone to develop arrhythmias in the later stages of pregnancy are unknown. However, they may be due to changes velocity of impulse propagation along the aberrant pathways of the cardiac conducting system. Nevertheless, it is this factor that further leads to the accumulation of fluid in serous cavities and tissues, the most common form of arrhythmia in the fetus being supraventricular tachycardia. The article describes a clinical case of non-immune hydrops in a preterm infant with supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia is presented. The close relationship between rhythm disturbance in the fetus as well as the emergency and further increasing of non-immune hydrops is noted. The symptoms of this pathology are discussed, the data of functional and laboratory diagnostic methods. Attention is paid to parameters of mechanical ventilation of the lungs; scheme of cardiotonic support in the treatment of this case of non-immune hydrops is given.

About the authors

Artem V. Andreyev

Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkov

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate Student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neonatology, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

Natalya V. Kharlamova

Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkov


MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Leading Scientist, Department of Neonatology and Clinical Neurology of Children’s Age

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

Semen S. Mezhinskij

Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkov


Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neonatology, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

Anna A. Pesenkina

Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkov



Russian Federation, Ivanovo


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of the body weight in preterm infant S. with non-immune hydrops

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Copyright (c) 2019 Andreyev A.V., Kharlamova N.V., Mezhinskij S.S., Pesenkina A.A.

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