The history of recurrent laryngeal nerve research

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A. Burns described thyroid cancer in 1811. History of surgical treatment of thyroid cancer is presented in the article. N. I. Pirogov was the first in the world who performed thyroid resection under general anesthesia in 1847. A. A. Bobrov was the first who started to perform thyroid operations under recurrent nerves visual control since 1893. V. I. Razumovsky was the first who described anaplastic and medullary thyroid carcinomas in 1903. Tactics in thyroid cancer treatment in different country are presented.

About the authors

Kristina Victorovna Vabalayte

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Assistant Professor of Hospital Surgery Department

Anatoly Philippovich Romanchishen

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head of Hospital Surgery Department


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Copyright (c) 2013 Vabalayte K.V., Romanchishen A.P.

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