Prognostic Impact of MYCN Amplification, 1p Deletion and 11q Deletion in Neuroblastoma Patients

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Neuroblastoma is characterized by wide clinical heterogeneity from tumors prone to spontaneous regression to highly aggressive disease that requires multimodal chemotherapy with autologous stem cells transplantation. Patient’s age and stage of the disease were described as prognostic factors. Different genetic aberrations were analyzed as potential predictive signs of poor outcome. MYCN gene amplification, 1p and 11q deletions are associated with aggressive tumor behavior, advanced stage of the disease and unfavorable outcome. In current report we analyzed molecular mechanisms and prognostic significance of indicated genetics abnormalities.

About the authors

Aleksandr Yevgenyevich Druy

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies


Grigoriy Anatolyevich Tsaur

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies

MD, PhD. Head of Molecular Biology Laboratory

Yegor Valeryevich Shorikov

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies

MD, PhD. Head of Pediatric Oncology Department

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Popov

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies


Leonid Iosifovich Savelyev

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies

MD, PhD. Head of Laboratory Department

Sergey Vasilyevich Tsvirenko

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies

MD, PhD, Professor. Head of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Department

Larisa Gennadyevna Fechina

Institute of Medical Cell Technologies

MD, PhD. Head of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Center


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Copyright (c) 2013 Druy A.Y., Tsaur G.A., Shorikov Y.V., Popov A.M., Savelyev L.I., Tsvirenko S.V., Fechina L.G.

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