Medical service organization for women and children - the Second World War repatriates

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Women, elderly and children are those who suffer from wars more than the others. The misery increases in case they are prisoners of war. Women became war victims not only by having been wounded, seek, killed, imprisoned but also as they were driven to Germany as labor force. There they were met by hunger, torment and illnesses. The number of children to be repatriated in the late 1945 was more than 630 000, from which 22 000 were orphans. For the first time in the history of medicine there was organized and tested on practice the system of medical help and treatment pointed at women-repatriates and children, that allowed to save their lives, return them to the army and to work as well as to normal physiological activity.

About the authors

Anatoliy Andreevich Budko

Military Medical Museum

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor

Galina Alexeyevna Gribovskaya

Military Medical Museum

MD, PhD, Senior researcher


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Copyright (c) 2014 Budko A.A., Gribovskaya G.A.

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