Actual aspects of sepsis and septic shock

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He review presents an analysis of up-to-date views on sepsis and septic shock. Results of consenting conferences are given with classification of sepsis in adults and children. Mortality indexes are presented in patients’ group with sepsis. Basic pathogenesis links are examined i.e. bacteriemia, microbe toxemia, endo(auto)toxicosis, systemic destructive vasculitis, growing hypercoagulation transforming into coagulopathia, consumption trombocytopenia with trombohemorrhagic syndrome and severe immunesuppression. Pathogenesis of septic shock is divided into processes developing in various organs and tissues as well as into intracellular ones: such as oxidative stress and mitochondrial insufficiency. The role of pathogen-associated molecular images - patterns is portrayed in the development of generalized acyclic infection process. A scheme of up-to-date septic shock therapy is presented. An important role of nitrogen oxide in the development of stabile hypotonia resistant to vasopressin therapy is proven. The potency of nitrogen oxide to produce free-radical peroxinitrite inducing lipids peroxide oxidation in membranes is reflected. Its ability to react with non-hem iron- and zink- containing proteins is mentioned. Key factors contributing to activation of genes responsible for inducible nitrogen oxide synthase operation are revealed. Extremely severe sepsis and septic shock are believed to be the most serious problem of contemporary medicine thus necessitating to produce new medicines affecting the most drug-resistant links of its pathogenesis. In many a countries trials are continuing to introduce new medicines like nitrogen oxide synthase inhibitors for the treatment of patients with septic shock.

About the authors

Danila Viktorovich Strukov

State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student Pathophisiologу Department

Yuriy Stanislavovich Alexandrovich

State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head, Dept. of Aneasthesiolgic and reanimatologic

Andrey Glebovich Vasiliev

State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head, Dept. of Pathophysiology


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