Diagnosis of celiac disease in routine clinical practice

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During 10 years there has been conducted the purposeful clinical and laboratory investigation of 1775 children aged from 6 months to 18 years. In all patients antibodies to glyadin and tissue transglutaminase have been defined. 494 (27,83 %) children with positive serological markers have been send to endoscopic investigation with subsequent morphological investigation of biopsy material. In selective sampling of children the morphologically confirmed celiac disease is occurred with the frequency 1 to 40. Morphometric indices of duodenum mucous membrane are characterized with decrease of mucous membrane thickness, height of villi, ratio of villi height to depth of crypts. As a compensation crypts depth and a number of interepithelial lymphocytes are increased. Small changes correspond to manifest form of celiac disease. Probability of morphological confirmation of celiac disease diagnosis is higher in children to 7 years old.

About the authors

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Reshetnik

Irkutsk State Medical University

Email: Lreshetnik@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, the Head Dept. of Children Disease

Oksana Viktorovna Antsiferova

Irkutsk State Medical University

Email: a-oksana@mail.ru
Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Children Disease

Tatyana Anatolyevna Spasich

Irkutsk State Medical University

Email: Miladent@mail.ru
Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Children Disease

Sergey Stepanovich Golubev

Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center

Head, Department of morfology


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Copyright (c) 2014 Reshetnik L.A., Antsiferova O.V., Spasich T.A., Golubev S.S.

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