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The levels of quality of life and the regularity of rectal rhythm was investigated in three groups of students: paediatricians, hygienists and general practitioners (GP). It was shown that students-paediatricians with regular rectal rhythm (RRR) have dominated the optimal level of quality of life (80 %–100 % from the maximum possible), while their colleagues with an irregular rectal rhythm (IRR) have dominated the moderate level of quality of life (40 %–60 %). Among students-hygienists with the RRR anxiety and insomnia were 2–3 times more rare than among their colleagues with IRR. Quality of life in students-GP with the RRR (according to the parameters of physical activity, daily activities and absence of pain) was significantly higher (74 %) than in their colleagues with IRR (65 %). RRR is the factor for a high level of quality of life, but IRR is associated with decreased levels of the quality of life of medical students.

About the authors

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Shemerovskiy

Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: constshem@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department for Physiology of Visceral Systems

Vladimir Ivanovich Ovsiannikov

Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: vladovs@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department for Physiology of Visceral Systems

Huu Chung Nguyen

I. I. Mechnikov Nord-West State Medical University

Email: chung43@mail.ru
department resident doctor, Department of internal medicine

Oksana Igorevna Seniv

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: ksanaseniv@mail.ru
student. Department of internal medicine

Julia Konstantinova Uspenskaya

I. P. Pavlov State medical University of St. Petersburg

Email: uju.spb@mail.ru
VI year student of the medical faculty

Vladimir Filippovich Mitreykin

I. P. Pavlov State medical University of St. Petersburg

Email: mvphch2742@mail.ru
doctor of medical science, Professor of the Department of pathological physiology


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Copyright (c) 2013 Shemerovskiy K.A., Ovsiannikov V.I., Nguyen H.C., Seniv O.I., Uspenskaya J.K., Mitreykin V.F.

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