Features of growth processes in boys and youths of various proportions and constitution types living in the south part of Kyrgyzstan

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The purpose of our work was to assess proportionality of body and type of a constitution of boys and young men of mountain and mid-mountain zones of Kyrgyzstan.

Materials and methods. 555 boys and youths of 12-17 years living in different regions of Kyrgyzstan, namely in highlands (3100-3325 m above sea level) and middle mountains (1050 m above sea level) − the Alay valley − 238 persons and anthropogenically technogenic zone Osh − 317 persons were examined. The method of anthropometrical measurements was applied, the structure of body weight was counted on J. Mateigka. The computer somatotyping was carried out by means of Dorokhov's technique. For the examined group coefficient of a heterochronicity and the index of “harmony of morphological development” (IGMR) were determined by S.A. Pushkarev’s technique.

Results. The greatest number of students (40-60%) of both groups possess normostenoid proportions. Disharmony of proportions of body is expressed in doliсhomorphization (astenoid proportions) in each group coincides with completion of the pubertal period (16 years), and remains at youthful age (17 years), especially inhabitants of highlands. In students of MIMES from highlands maximum increase in length of body is the share of the beginning of pubertal period (13-14 years), body weights in the middle of this period (14-15 years). On the contrary, in teena gers of MAMES and MONTH the beginning of puberty is marked by increase in body weight, and length at 16-17 years. In teenagers of MIMES from anthropogenically technogenic zone maximum increase in body weight is noted at 13-14 years, and body lengths at the end of puberty (16-17 years). In representatives of MAMES- and MONTH in this zone of accommodation the maximum increases of body weight were established at the middle of a puberty (14-15 years), and body length in students of MONTH type at 15-16 years, teenagers of MAMES of type – at 16-17 years. On the basis of a somatotyping the heterochronicity of processes of growth in boys and youths having various somatotype living in various ecological zones of Kyrgyzstan is revealed.

About the authors

Absamat E. Sattarov

Osh State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: absamat@list.ru

Senior Teacher, Department of Histology and Patanatomiya, Medical Faculty

Kyrgyzstan, Osh

Natalya R. Karelina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: Karelina_nr@gpma.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, MD, Professor, Head, Department of Human Anatomy

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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