Medico-social problems of hospices in St.-Petersburg pediatric practice

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Children with an unfavourable disease prognosis require separate attention in the public health service of any state. A child with such disorder probably won’t enter into adult life. That fact creates a number of social and economic problems. In this article authors examine the work of the first in Russia children hospice in St. Petersburg and raise the problem of cooperation between hospices and other medical, non-medical organizations and public authorities.

About the authors

Nikolay Ivanovich Vishnyakov

First St. Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Dept. of Public Health. Dept. of Public Health

Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Kutyrev

First St. Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University

Resident Doctor, Public Health Department

Zoya Anisimovna Sofiyeva

SPb SIPH Hospice N 2

Head. SPb SIPH Hospice N 2

Sergey Ivanovich Gvozdarev

SPb ASIPH Children’s Hospice

MD, PhD, Director


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Copyright (c) 2014 Vishnyakov N.I., Kutyrev Y.M., Sofiyeva Z.A., Gvozdarev S.I.

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