The use of tablet form of Polyoxidonium® for immunocorrection in children with secondary pyelonephritis

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Background. Some aspects of diagnostics and treatment of secondary pyelonephritis in children continue to be urgent tasks of pediatrics, especially with regard to immunological changes in this disease and the search for ways to optimally correct them. The purpose of the study: to study immunological disorders in children with VP and to determine the features of the use of the tablet preparation Polyoxidonium® for their correction.

Materials and methods. The study is an open controlled prospective comparative single-center study, including two groups: observation and control. The observation group consisted of 40 children aged 5–15 years (Me = 10; Q1 = 6; Q3 = 14) with secondary pyelonephritis, realized against the background of congenital urological pathology. The control group consisted of 100 practically healthy children (health groups 1 and 2) aged 5 to 17 years (Me = 10; Q1 = 7; Q3 = 14). The patients underwent a standard examination, including in-depth immunological examination. The revealed violations of immunological resistance justified the inclusion of the domestic drug Polyoxidonium in the complex therapy of patients.

Results. 3 months after the treatment with the Polyoxidonium immunomodulator, an increase in the level of immunoglobulin A, the total number of lymphocytes, B cells, normalization of the number of CD19 lymphocytes, a decrease in the number of T lymphocytes and CD4 cells, an increase in phagocytosis and natural killers was noted.

Conclusion. Thus, complex therapeutic tactics for children with secondary pyelonephritis should be determined taking into account individual immunological shifts, namely: a reduced number of CD19 lymphocytes and the level of immunoglobulin A, an excessively high content of helper cells, to increase phagocytosis and the number of NK lymphocytes.

About the authors

Elena S. Kulygina

Kirov State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pediatric Surgery

Russian Federation, Kirov

Maxim P. Razin

Kirov State Medical University


MD, PhD, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Vice-rector for Scientific and Innovative Work

Russian Federation, Kirov

Sergey B. Petrov

Kirov State Medical University


MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Hygiene

Russian Federation, Kirov

Elena B. Dunaeva

Kirov State Medical University


PhD, Head of the Scientific and Innovative Department

Russian Federation, Kirov

Victoria A. Makhneva

Kirov State Medical University


MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery

Russian Federation, Kirov


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Copyright (c) 2021 Kulygina E.S., Razin M.P., Petrov S.B., Dunaeva E.B., Makhneva V.A.

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