Combined Atherosclerotic Lesions of Cerebral and Coronary Blood Vessels: Risk Factors

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Data is presented specifying the extent of influence of traditional and novel (C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, intima-media complex (IMC)) risk-factors of atherosclerotic lesions upon cerebral blood vessels in case of isolated variant vs. combined lesions of coronary and cerebral blood vessels. The role of CRP and fibrinogen as atherosclerotic process development markers is discussed. The most significant risk factors of combined and isolated atherosclerotic lesions of coronary and cerebral blood vessels are discussed important for understanding of this pathology ethiology and pathogenesis. Pathogenetic interrelation of cerebral and cardiac pathology is specified manifesting itself by mutual aggravation in case of atherosclerotic process. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of cerebral and coronary blood vessels’ atherosclerotic lesions are common, hence the risk factors are also analogous, however their import is not identical in case of isolated and combined variants and this feature should be taken into account while working out the approach to this ailment treatment and prophylaxis. Atherosclerotic lesions of arteries from various vascular basins alongside with common pathophysiologic mechanisms also possess a score of peculiarities that predetermine different approaches to their treatment and prophylaxis. Separate risk factors determine predominant localization of pathologic process in certain vascular basins thus identification of isolated and combined coronary and cerebral principal blood vessels atherosclerotic lesions’ risk factors is a subject of profound studies. Thus working out new approaches to cerebrovascular ailments risk prognosis on the basis of cardiovascular ailments risk factors as well as existing prophylactic measures monitoring is actual for contemporary medicine.

About the authors

Robert Vladimirovich Bilyutin-Aslanyan

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD student at Dept. Pathophysiology & Immunopathology

Andrei Glebovich Vasiliev

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head Dept. Pathophysiology & Immunopathology

Pavel Vasil’yevich Rodichkin

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Professor Dept. Theory and method of Physical Training

Aleksandr Petrovich Trashkov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor., Dept. Pathophysiology & Immunopathology

Nikolay Valentinovich Khaytsev

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Biol Sci, Professor, Dept. Pathophysiology & Immunopathology


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Copyright (c) 2015 Bilyutin-Aslanyan R.V., Vasiliev A.G., Rodichkin P.V., Trashkov A.P., Khaytsev N.V.

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