Experience of stem cell use in treatment of skin burns

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The results of three-year research on the use of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue (AMSCs) in the treatment of skin burns of II-III degree are presented. in a complex with wounds dressing of nanofibers chitosan and copolyamide, hyaluronic acid. It was found that with surgical necrectomy, introduction of AMSCs and substitution of defects with natural polymer coatings, the healing time is reduced by 89% (p < 0.05). Isolated administration of MSC reduces the healing period by no more than 5% (p > 0.05). The combined use of wounds dressings of nanofibers chitosan and copo lyamide with MSC accelerates the regeneration process by 26% (p < 0.05), with the introduction of AMSCs accelerating the development of granulation tissue by the fifth day of observation by 83% (p < 0.01). Joint use of wound coverings on the basis of hyaluronic acid with AMSCs is accompanied by an increase in the number of vessels of the microcirculatory bed in the defect area by 185% (p < 0.01). Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of drugs with stem cells – a gel for topical application and a suspension of MSC LC for injection administration demonstrate their ability to optimize regeneration in the burn zone. Application of gel with AMSCs reduces the duration of epithelialization of border (dermal) burns by 2.2-2.4 times, with the final healing period being reduced by 59% (p < 0.01) and the suppuration frequency by 30% (p < 0.05). The introduction of a suspension of AMSCs into the zone of deep burn increases the frequency of engraftment of autografts, stimulates angiogenesis and proliferation of fibroblasts in the superficial and deep layers of the dermis. In the area of MSC administration, the LC perfusion level and the amplitude of blood flow fluctuation are twice as high as the values in the zones without the introduction of cells.

About the authors

Evgeny V. Zinovyev

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: evz@list.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Mеd Sci, Professor, Department of Hospital Surgery with Traumatology and Military Surgery Courses

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vladimir E. Yudin

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Email: yudinve@gmail.com

DrSci, Professor, Head, Department of Medical Physics, Laboratory of Polymeric Materials for Tissue Engineering and Transplantology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Marat S. Asadulaev

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: marat.asadulaev@yandex.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Research Center, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vasiliy N. Tsygan

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: vn-t@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Pathological Physiology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Denis V. Kostyakov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: kosdv@list.ru

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathological Physiology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Anton S. Shabunin

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Email: anton-shab@yandex.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Department of Medical Physics, Laboratory of Polymeric Materials for Tissue Engineering and Transplantology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Natalia V. Smirnova

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Email: nvsmirnoff@yandex.ru

PhD, Researcher, Department of Medical Physics, Laboratory of Polymeric Materials for Tissue Engineering and Transplantology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Artem E. Kryukov

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Email: kryukov14@gmail.com

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Department of Medical Physics, Laboratory of Polymeric Materials for Tissue Engineering and Transplantology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Moisei B. Paneiakh

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: moisey031190@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Rate of Forensic Medicine

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Sergey A. Lukyanov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: Sergey.lukyanov95@yandex.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Research Center, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Ilya V. Artsimovich

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: enerdgezer@yandex.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Research Center, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Ivan M. Lopatin

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: forlopatin@yandex.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Research Center, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Viktor V. Zubov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: viktorzubo@mail.ru

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Research Center, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Pavel K. Krylov

I.I. Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Email: krilov_pk@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Head, Department of Burn Injuries

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Denis O. Vagner

I.I. Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Email: 77wagner77@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Surgeon, Department of Burn Injuries

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Kamil F. Osmanov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: ikamilo26@gmail.com

Laboratory Assistant-Researcher, Department of Pathological Physiology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Georgiy O. Bagaturia

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: geobag@mail.ru

MD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Chief of Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Stage of injection of a suspension of adipogenic mesenchymal stem cells subfascially in the area of skin burn of III degree

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3. Fig. 2. The frequency of purulent inflammation in case of injection of gel with AMSC (adipogenic mesenchymal stem cells): CCCP — collagen cell complex product

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4. Fig. 3. Patient A., 49 years old, flame burn 6% (5.5%)/IIIa-b degree of right thigh, lower leg, knee joint: а – the third day after the burn, before the operation; b – intraoperative injection of AMSC after necrectomy and autodermoplasty; c – graft on the first dressing

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5. Fig. 4. Patient B., 37 years old, burn with a flame of 78% (67%)/IIIa-b degree of the head, trunk, extremities: a – the third day after the burn, before the operation; b – intraoperative injection of AMSC after necrectomy and autodermoplasty; c – graft on the first dressing

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6. Fig. 5. Patient B., 46 years old, flame burn 36% (16%)/IIIa, b degree of the head, neck, trunk, upper limbs: a – the third day after the burn, early surgical necrectomy; b – intraoperative injection of AMSC after necrectomy and autodermoplasty; c – graft on the first dressing

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7. Fig. 6. Patient D., 34 year sold, 5th day of observation. Active marginal epithelization. A wide band of the forming epidermal layer. Color in gof hematoxylin-eosin. Zoom ×400

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8. Fig. 7. Patient E., 49 years old, 5th day of observation. Newly formed vessels with perifocal proliferation of fibroblasts. Color in gof hematoxylin-eosin. Zoom ×400

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9. Fig. 8. Patient D., 34 years old. Significant expression of the proliferation marker of Ki 67 cells of an autologous cutaneous graft on the 5th day after the AMSC injection. Zoom ×600

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10. Fig. 9. Patient E., 49 years old. Significant expression of the proliferation marker of Ki 67 cells of an autologous cutaneous graft on the 5th day after the AMSC injection. Zoom ×600

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Copyright (c) 2018 Zinovyev E.V., Yudin V.E., Asadulaev M.S., Tsygan V.N., Kostyakov D.V., Shabunin A.S., Smirnova N.V., Kryukov A.E., Paneiakh M.B., Lukyanov S.A., Artsimovich I.V., Lopatin I.M., Zubov V.V., Krylov P.K., Vagner D.O., Osmanov K.F., Bagaturia G.O.

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