Clinical characteristics of ectopic pregnancy in adolescents

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The ectopic pregnancy is one of the main problems of obstetrics and gynecology because it is the leading cause of the maternal death in the first trimester of pregnancy. The frequency of ectopic pregnancy all over the world has a tendency to the steady height and according to data of epidemiology researches is about 1.2-1.4% in relation to the incurrence of pregnancies in the industrially developed countries nowadays. The problem of ectopic pregnancy in women of reproductive age is well studied, but it is known little about the features of ectopic pregnancy in adolescents. The gynecologists are oriented exceptionally on rules and standards which were made for the adults nowadays. The aim of this work was to study clinical and diagnostic features and the ends of the ectopic pregnancy in teens. The present research provides analysis of medical histories of 39 adolescents with ectopic pregnancy. It has been shown that the proportion of patients with the ectopic pregnancy was 3 % of total amount of teens which were hospitalized due to complications of pregnancy (1300 patients). The preferential localization of the ectopic pregnancy was the fallopian tube (97,4 %). Patients were presented to the hospital with the symptoms of the ruptured tubal pregnancy in almost all the cases (92,3 %). The aethiology of the ectopic pregnancy by clinical and histological data in half of the patients (56,4 %) was the infectious agent. The invincibility to perform the surgical intervention in the volume of tubectomy arised in almost half of the cases (45,7 %).

About the authors

Elina Georgievna Anufrienko

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Postgraduate Student. Dep. of Children Gynecology and Female Reproductology, Fac. of Postgraduate Educ.

Nadezda Anatolyevna Kokhreidze

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Ass. Professor. Dep. of Children Gynecology and Female Reproductology, Fac. of Postgraduate Educ.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Anufrienko E.G., Kokhreidze N.A.

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