Degenerative changes of the Medial arcuate hypothalamic nucleus neurons in the male hypogonadism model

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The study of patterns of hormonal regulation of sexual development of adolescents including mechanisms of physiological and pathological changes in the rate of maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis remains the subject of active research interest. The study of reactive changes of the medial arcuate nucleus of cells in experimental hypogonadism and degree of correction of these changes after testosterone therapy is necessary for a better understanding of the mechanisms of endocrine interaction gonads and gonadoliberin centers during puberty. The aim of this article was to determine the quantitative, structural changes of neurons, glio-neuronal and interneuronal relationships in the medial arcuate nucleus in experimental hypogonadism and the degree of correction of these changes after testosterone therapy. In male Wistar rats induced hypogonadism (model created by the removal of one gonad on postnatal day 2-3), and histological sections were examined medial hypothalamic arcuate nucleus puberty animals (2 months) and the absence of treatment with testosterone after correction. The control group consisted of intact animals puberty. It was found that after the experimental inhibition of testosterone production in newborn male rats in the medial hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of rat puberty develop degenerative (degenerative, atrophic) and compensatory-adaptive changes. First expressed in the reduction of the share and the decrease in the normochromic neurons area, wrinkling, the growth of the share of shadowly neurons. The latter expressed signs of activation glio-neuronal and interneuronal relations. Many reactive changes in the cells exposed to compensatory adjustment in the period of puberty.

About the authors

Yulia Nikolaevna Khodulaeva

North-West Federal Medical Research Center

Junior researcher, Research laboratory of pediatric endocrinology

Zakhar Petrovich Asaulenko

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Student, Department of Histology and Embryology

Alekber Azizovoch Baymarov

North-West Federal Medical Research Center

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Research Laboratory of Pediatric Endocrinology

Irina Leorovna Nikitina

North-West Federal Medical Research Center

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Research Laboratory of Pediatric Endocrinology

Andreiy Vsevolodovich Droblenkov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Associate Professor, Department of Histology and Embryology


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Copyright (c) 2015 Khodulaeva Y.N., Asaulenko Z.P., Baymarov A.A., Nikitina I.L., Droblenkov A.V.

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