Long-term results of coronary artery bypass graft surgery after stenting of obstructed artery with bare metal stent in patients with acute coronary syndrome and multivessel disease




Non-optimal long-term results of endovascular interventions using bare metal stents and their wide use in Russia in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) make it important to study the influence of the mentioned interventions on the results of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) performed after stenting of the obstructed artery in patients with ACS and multivessel disease.

Aim. To study the results of CABG performed at our department in early periods of ACS after stenting of an obstructed artery with bare metal stents versus  the results of use of drug coated stents of the 2nd generation, on the basis of the data of NORSTENT study.

Materials and Methods. The work presents the results of a two-year observation of stepwise treatment of 97 patients with ACS and multivessel disease who were performed stenting of an obstructed artery for life-saving indications followed by CABG not later than in 90 days. Patients of the main group had three-vessel disease of coronary arteries with severity of damage 26.0±3.2 points on SYNTAX scale. The time from the moment of stenting to complete revascularization was 64±17 days. Clinico-demographic parameters of the main group were comparable with those of the comparison group (data of NORSTENT study).

Results. During observation time two cases of acute myocardial infarction occurred. Repeat revascularization was required in 14 patients (14.4%). The rate of MACCE was 0.1443. Odd ratio (OR) of the risk of MACCE occurrence was 1.61 (95% CI [1.14;2.78]).

Conclusion. Surgical revascularization of the coronary bed in early periods after stenting of the obstructed artery with bare metal stents in patients with ACS and multivessel disease has 1.6 times (95% CI 1.14;2.78) higher risk for initiation of adverse cardiovascular events, in comparison with endovascular revascularization with use of drug coated stents of the 2nd generation.


Aleksandr Bocharov

Kostroma regional clinical hospital named after Korolev E.I., Kostroma, Russia

Email: bocharovav@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6027-2898
SPIN 代码: 6073-1445
Researcher ID: C-6324-2019

MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Roentgenosurgical Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment

俄罗斯联邦, prospect Mira, 114, 156013, Kostroma


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