Fruits of plants of Amelanchier genus (Amelanchier Medic) as source of biologically active substances and minerals

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An interest in plants of Amelanchier genus is stimulated by the necessity of search for plant sources rich in biologically active substances and possessing the ability to influence different physiological processes in a human organism. The article gives information about places of growth of different species of Amelanchier (Amelanchier Medic) and about the fact that its fruits contain high concentration of free sugars, relatively low level of organic acids, sufficient amounts of various vitamins and provitamins and a complex of mineral substances. Nutritive and biological value of Amelanchier fruits in complex may produce a beneficial effect on different biochemical and physiological processes of normal vital activity of a human organism. The data are given about a positive influence of enteral introduction of polysaccharides isolated from Amelanchier fruits, on different physiological processes that enhance adaptational reserves of an organism of experimental animals. In particular, it was shown that watersoluble polysaccharide complex (WSPC) of Amelanchier fruits activates erythropoiesis increasing the amount of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in blood of experimental animals and raises concentration of iron. WSPC improves physical working capacity and increases the body mass of experimental animals. Addition of watersoluble polysaccharide complex of Amelanchier fruits to blood of a healthy donor increases thermal, osmotic and peroxide resistance of erythrocyte membranes thus protecting cells against damage under action of adverse factors in the experiment. Fruits of plants of Amelanchier genus may be recommended to be used as a food additive or a product in dietary and prophylactic therapy.

About the authors

Elena A. Laksaeva

Ryazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4477-5812
SPIN-code: 4297-0617

PhD in Biological sciences, Associate Professor of General and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Russian Federation, 9, Vysokovoltnaja str., Ryazan, 390026


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