Clinical application of diode laser radiation for surgical treatment of patients with dental diseases

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Background. Traumatism of surgical operations in dentistry dictates the need to search for minimally invasive methods of tissue alteration. The use of lasers makes it possible to solve this problem, since laser radiation possesses a lower operative injury, selective action and activates the reparative processes in the wound.

Aim. To increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of dental patients by using a diode laser.

Materials and Methods. In a clinic, 134 patients from 18 to 82 years of age with various dental diseases were examined and underwent surgical treatment using a traditional method and a diode «PICASSO Lite» laser with 810 nm wavelength from AMD Lasers (USA), with the radiation power in the range from 0.6 to 1.0 W. The criteria for evaluation of the effectiveness of laser application were the data of clinical examination.

Results. In comparison with the traditional method of treatment, use of a surgical laser resulted in a less pronounced postoperative edema and pain. The difference between healing time of the operative wound after use of surgical laser and after the traditional treatment was 3±0.5 days in case of suturing of the wound and 7±0.5 days in case of wound healing under the fibrinous film and under the iodoform tampon. The wound defect induced by laser radiation passed all stages of the wound process much faster that with use of scalpel. In addition, selective removal of pathological tissues reduced the likelihood of injury to the oral mucosa, which leads to reduction in the duration of treatment.

Conclusions. Thus, the use of a diode laser allows to improve the technique of surgical treatment of patients and increases the effectiveness of treatment of patients with dental diseases.

About the authors

Elena A. Morozova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenovsky University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5312-9516
SPIN-code: 5490-3554

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Dental Surgery

Russian Federation, 8-2, Trubetskaya street, Moscow, 119992

Svetlana V. Tarasenko

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenovsky University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8595-8864
SPIN-code: 3320-0052

MD, Grand PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Dental Surgery

Russian Federation, 8-2, Trubetskaya street, Moscow, 119992

Aleksandr N. Zhuravlev

Ryazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8334-062X
SPIN-code: 8776-9170

Assistant of the Department of Dental Surgery

Russian Federation, 9, Vysokovoltnaja str., Ryazan, 390026

Lyubov B. Filimonova

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0679-541X
SPIN-code: 6759-6330

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Dental Surgery

Russian Federation, 8-2, Trubetskaya street, Moscow, 119992

Yevgenia V. Stekolschikova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenovsky University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8981-0602
SPIN-code: 8521-3105

IV year student of Educational Department of Institute of Dentistry

Russian Federation, 8-2, Trubetskaya street, Moscow, 119992


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1. Diode laser «PICASSO Lite»

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of parameters of the wound surface depending on the method of treatment (cm2)

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4. Fig. 3. The hanging edge of mucous membrane before operation

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5. Fig. 4. Surgical wound after excision of the mucous membrane by a diode laser

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6. Fig. 5. A view in the mouth cavity before the operation

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7. Fig. 6. A view in the mouth cavity after removal of the crown part of 4.2 tooth with the diode laser

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8. Fig. 7. A view of the formed gingival edge after excision with the diode laser

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9. Fig. 8. A view in 10 days after gingivectomy with the diode laser and orthopedic treatment

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10. Fig. 9. Shortened frenulum of the lower lip before the operation

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11. Fig. 10. A view of the mouth cavity after correction of the frenulum with the diode laser

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12. Fig. 11. A view of the postoperative region in 5 days after the operation

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13. Fig. 12. A view of the postoperative region in 14 days after the operation

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14. Fig. 13. Papilloma of the tongue before the operation

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15. Fig. 14. Surgical wound after treatment with the diode laser

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16. Fig. 15. A view of postoperative wound in 7 days after surgical treatment with the diode laser

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17. Fig. 16. A view of fibromatous epulis before the operation

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18. Fig. 17. Operative wound after excision of epulis with the diode laser

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19. Fig. 18. Pathohistological preparation

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20. Fig. 19. A view of postoperative wound in 7 days after surgical treatment with the diode laser

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21. Fig. 20. A view of hemangiomas before operation

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22. Fig. 21. Action of the diode laser radiation on hemangioma on the lower lip

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23. Fig. 22. Action of the diode laser radiation on hemangioma on the upper lip

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24. Fig. 23. A view of postoperative region on the 10th day after laser treatment

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Copyright (c) 2018 Morozova E.A., Tarasenko S.V., Zhuravlev A.N., Filimonova L.B., Stekolschikova Y.V.

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