Pathomorphology of hydrocephalus associated with anomalies of development of the cerebral aqueduct

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Aim. The aim of the study was to reveal structural peculiarities of the ventricular germinal zone and of the neocortex in newborns of 22-40 weeks gestation with congenital hydrocephalus associated with anomalies in development of the cerebral aqueduct.

Materials and Methods. The main group was the brain of newborns aged 22-40 weeks of gestation with hydrocephalus, formed with the underlying developmental anomalies of the cerebral aqueduct (n=10); comparison group (n=30) was the brain of newborns without visible pathology of the CNS with the width of the lumen of lateral ventricles not exceeding 0.5 cm. A complex pathomorphological study of the ventricular germinal zone and the neocortex in the projection of field No. 6 (cortical representation of the motor analyzer) was carried out.

Results. Hydrocephalus associated with anomalies of development of the cerebral aqueduct is characterized by disorders in formation of sulci and gyri (micropolygyria, asymmetry and breakage of the gyrification sequence), by absence of signs of remodeling of the ventricular germinal zone and by retardation of differentiation of III-VI cytoarchitectonic layers of the neocortex, with the underlying increased expression of S-100 glial protein in glioblasts of white matter, decreased expression of vimentin in vessels of periventricular region, negative expression of metalloproteinases-9 in glioblasts, of reelin in Cajal-Retzius neurons, of desmin in periventricular vessels.

Conclusion. Structural peculiarities of the ventricular germinal zone and the neocortex in newborns of 22-40 weeks of gestation with hydrocephalus, associated with anomalies in development of the cerebral aqueduct, should be considered as morphological diagnostic criteria for differentiation of the given pathology with internal hydrocephalus of a different etiology.

About the authors

Elena V. Procenko

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Ivanovo

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0490-5686
SPIN-code: 1343-3881
ResearcherId: B-1147-2017

MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Pathomorphology and Electron Microscopy

Russian Federation, 20, Pobedy street, Ivanovo, 153045

Lubov P. Peretiatko

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Ivanovo

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1047-6312
SPIN-code: 2795-9185
ResearcherId: B-1176-2017

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Pathomorphology and Electron Microscopy

Russian Federation, 20, Pobedy street, Ivanovo, 153045

Natalya V. Fateeva

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Ivanovo

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4077-3310
SPIN-code: 5817-1380
ResearcherId: A-9999-2017

Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Pathomorphology and Electron Microscopy

Russian Federation, 20, Pobedy street, Ivanovo, 153045

Olga P. Saryeva

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Ivanovo

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8255-2877
SPIN-code: 1436-3998
ResearcherId: A-9996-2017

MD, PhD, Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Pathomorphology and Electron Microscopy

Russian Federation, 20, Pobedy street, Ivanovo, 153045


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Pathomorphology of ventricular germinal zone (VGZ) and neocortex, and immune reactivity of S-100 glial protein in glioblasts in hydrocephalus associated with anomaly of development of cerebral aqueduct

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Copyright (c) 2018 Procenko E.V., Peretiatko L.P., Fateeva N.V., Saryeva O.P.

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