Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility in patients with common pathology of genitals and inguinal region

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The article presents a study of reproductive function and fertility prognosis in 27 male patients of reproductive age with common diseases of genitals and inguinal region. These patients were under observation in the outpatient clinics with the diagnosis of male infertility. Blood levels of sex hormones and spermograms were evaluated in dynamics before and after surgical treatment of the main disease. In the research it was found that surgical removal of the probable cause of infertility in marriage resulted in normalization of spermogram parameters in 15% of cases and to the onset of pregnancy in 22.2% of cases. No significant changes in the dynamics of sex hormones were found. Besides, in the course of research a positive clinical effect of conservative treatment for the connective tissue dysplasia associated with the main disease and infertility in marriage, was obtained. This effect was confirmed by the onset of pregnancy in 29.4% of patients who underwent drug therapy.

About the authors

I. S. Sobennikov

Municipal Clinical Hospital №11

Author for correspondence.
Email: Isobennikov@mail.ru


Russian Federation, 26/17, Novoselov str., Ryazan, 390037

B. N. Zhiborev

Ryazan State Medical University

Email: Isobennikov@mail.ru

PhD, MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Sciences with course of urology

Russian Federation, 9, Vysokovoltnaya str., Ryazan, 390026

S. Ya. Kotans

Municipal Clinical Hospital №11

Email: Isobennikov@mail.ru

urologist, Head of the Regional Urological Department

Russian Federation, 26/17, Novoselov str., Ryazan, 390037

A. A. Cherenkov

Municipal Clinical Hospital №11

Email: Isobennikov@mail.ru

urologist of Regional Urological Department

Russian Federation, 26/17, Novoselov str., Ryazan, 390037


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Copyright (c) 2017 Sobennikov I.S., Zhiborev B.N., Kotans S.Y., Cherenkov A.A.

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