
The article is devoted to the history of the development of pathology of the venous system. It presents the most important ancient discoveries, which allow to understand the degree of development of science, the study of venous pathology at different stages of history in various ancient civilizations. It also provides a number of historical facts, including the history of development of surgery and medicine in general, in various civilizations of the ancient world, which were obtained in the study of ancient, ancient medical treatises and museum exhibits. Given is the illustration that in each ancient civilization ways of dealing with varicose veins were completely unique and different from methods used by people of other civilizations. Of course, with time, some views were rendered incorrect. In particular, for a long time the treatment of patients with venous pathology was limited to medical assistance for varicose and treatment of venous ulcers. However, the development of medicine has gradually extended the range of surgical interventions.


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